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日期:2018-04-09 点击数: 来源:


尤江峰吉林大学物科学学院,教授,博士生导师;吉林大学唐敖庆学者-英才教授,入选吉林大学励新优秀青年教师培养计划(重点/精英)。主要研究领域为:植物营养生物学。重点关注酸性土壤上作物生产的障碍因子,从事以下两个研究方向:1. 探讨大豆的抗铝生理生化及分子生物学机制,挖掘鉴定抗铝基因,构建大豆抗铝分子网络,为酸性土壤上大豆抗铝品种的育成奠定基础2. 人参栽培生理与分子生物学研究,从土壤、生理、分子生物学等角度深入研究人参红皮病的发病过程和机理,并探讨其预防和治理方式,探索人参绿色栽培方案。以通讯作者或第一作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials, Plant and Soil, Journal of Ginseng ResearchIndustrial Crop and Products等期刊发表学术论文20余篇。





E-mail youjf@jlu.edu.cn


2003/09 2006/07,浙江大学,环境与资源学院植物营养系,博士

2000/09 2003/07,吉林农业大学,资源与环境学院植物营养系,硕士

1996/09 2000/07 吉林农业大学,农商学院应用化学系,学士



2013/07-2014/07 澳大利亚CSIRO植物工业所,访问学者

2010/04-2010/07 德国汉诺威莱布尼茨大学植物营养研究所,短期研修生

2008/10-2014/07 吉林大学,植物科学学院农业资源与环境系,副教授






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、32172660、大豆两个MATE柠檬酸转运体在转录表达和翻译后修饰水平上的调控及抗铝机制2022/01-2025/12、执行、主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、31772388、人参XTH家族基因功能分析及与红皮病的关系研究、2018/01-2021/12题、主持

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目、31372124、铝胁迫下大豆根系柠檬酸分泌相关基因功能分析、 2014/01-2017/12、结题、主持

4. 吉林省科技厅技术创新引导项目、20210404001NC、基于抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环免疫调控人参高效优质生产与推广、2021/01-2023/12题、主持

5.国家自然科学基金青年项目、40903029、白浆型人参土壤中铝的形态转化及对人参的影响、 2010/01-2012/12、已结题、主持。

6.国际科学基金(IFS,瑞典)、C4711-1Mobilization of aluminum in Panax ginseng successive cropping soil and Al phytotoxicity on Panax ginseng 2009/04-2013/05、结题、主持。













1. Y He#, ZB Wang#, WM Cui, QX Zhang, MH Zheng, W Li, J Gao, ZM Yang, JF You*. (2024). Comparative quantitative phosphoproteomic and parallel reaction monitoring analysis of soybean roots under aluminum stress idnetify candidate phosphoproteins involved in aluminum resistance capacity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 479: 135485

2. ZB Wang , YQ Liu, WM Cui, L Gong, Y He, QX Zhang, XX Meng, ZM Yang, JF You*. (2022). Characterization of GmMATE13 in its contribution of citrate efflux and aluminum resistance in soybeans. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10.3389

2. ZB Wang, H Li, ZP Wei, HR Sun, Y He, J Gao, ZM Yang, JF You*. (2021). Overexpression of UDP-glycosyltransferase genes enhanced aluminum tolerance tolerance through disrupting cell wall polysaccharide components in soybean. Plant and Soil. 469, 135-147

3.Y Zhou#, ZB Wang#, L Gong, AL Chen, N Liu, S Li, HR Sun, ZM Yang*, JF You*. (2019). Functional characterization of three MATE genes in relation to aluminum –induced citrate efflux from soybean root. Plant and Soil,  443:121-138

4. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, L Gong, RK Liu, HR Sun, JF You* (2018). Molecular characterization of GmSTOP1 homologs in soybean under Al and proton stress. Plant and Soil. 427:213-230

5. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, YZ Xu, HR Sun, ZT Sun, B Lin, WJ Sun, JF You*. (2018). Soybean NADP-malic enzyme functions in malate and citrate metabolism and contributes to their efflux under Al stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 2246

6. T Lan, JF You, LN Kong, M Yu, MH Liu, ZM Yang* (2016). The interaction of salicylic acid and Ca2+ alleviates aluminum toxicity in soybean (Glycine max L). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 98: 146-154

7. N Liu#, JF You#, WL Shi, W Liu, ZM Yang*. (2012).    Salicylic acid involved in the process of aluminum in Glycine max L. Plant and Soil. 352: 85-97

8. JF You, HM Zhang, N Liu, LL Gao, LN Kong, ZM Yang*. (2011). Transcriptomic responses to aluminum stress in soybean roots. Genome. 54:923-933

9. NN Hou #, JF You#, JD Pang,  MY Xu, G Chen, ZM Yang*. (2010). The accumulation and transport of abscisic acid in soybean (Glycine max L.) under aluminum stress. Plant and Soil.330127-137

10. JF You, NN Hou, MY Xu, HM Zhang, ZM Yang*. 2010.Citrate transporters played an important role in regulating the Al-induced citrate secretion in Glycine max L. Biologia Plantarum, 54 (4): 766-768

11. MY Xu, JF You, NN Hou, HM Zhang, G Chen *, ZM Yang *(2010). Mitochondrial enzymes and citrate transporter contribute to the aluminium-induced citrate secretion from soybean (Glycine max) roots. Functional of Plant Biology,37285-295

12. ZB Yang, JF You, MY Xu, ZM Yang. (2009). Interaction between aluminum toxicity and manganese toxicity in soybean (Glycine max). Plant and Soil. 319:277-289

13. 尤江峰,候宁宁,徐睦芸,刘宁,张红梅,兰图,杨振明*(2010). 铝胁迫下大豆根系脱落酸累积与柠檬酸分泌的关系研究。植物营养与肥料学报,164):899-905

14.丁岩,马悦,闫瑞迪,谢纲,刘宁,尤江峰*,杨振明(2010). 不同氮形态配比对大豆Al毒的缓解作用。大豆科学,29(5):786-790

15. 杨中宝,尤江峰,杨振明.(2007). 植物对锰的吸收运输及对过量锰的抗氧化响应.植物生理与分子生物学学报.336):480488

16.杨中宝,尤江峰,杨振明. (2007). 铝减轻过量锰对大豆生长的不利影响. 植物生理与分子生物学学报.336):574580


1. M Luo, AX Li, FQ Wang, JF Jiang, ZB Wang, JF You*. (2022). Intergrative analysis of multiple metabolomes and transcriptome revealed color expression mechanism in red skin root syndrome of Panax ginseng. Industrial Crops & Products. 177:114491

2. L Gong#, J Gao#, TS Xu, JL Qu, ZB Wang, ZM Yang*, JF You*. (2020). Transcriptome analysis of field-grown Asian ginseng provides to environmental conditions and developmental mechanisms related to red skin root syndrome. Industrial Crops & Products. 153: 112486

3. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, LL Gao, W Liu, RK Liu, JT Zhao, JF You*. (2017). Changes in element accumulation, phenolic metabolism and antioxidative enzyme activities in the red skin roots of panax ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research. 41: 307-315

4. JF You, X Liu, B Zhang, ZK Xie, ZG Hou, ZM Yang* (2015). Seasonal changes in soil acidity and related properties in ginseng artificial bed soils under a plastic shade. Journal of Ginseng Research. 39: 81-88

5. X Liu, ZM Yang, LL Gao, WY Xiang, B Zhang, ZL Xie, JF You*. (2014). Comparison of the characteristics of artificial ginseng bed soils in relation to the incidence of ginseng red skin disease. Experimental Agriculture. 50(1): 59-71

6.刘星,尤江峰,谢忠雷,丁岩,蔡靖,杨振明* (2011). 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定土壤Al的条件优化。农业环境科学学报,302):404408

7. 李刚,尤江峰,吴东辉,张杰,何波,杨振明. (2009). 白浆型人参土壤酸化与铝形态分布变化的研究. 吉林农业大学学报. 31(1):55-61

8.专利:一种降低人参红皮病发病率的方法,专利号: ZL 2018 1 0534671.4,授权公告日:2020-03-17


  1. Meiqi Zhan, He Li, Jiangfeng You, Xiangxiang Meng, Kexing Guan, Meihui Zheng, Jie Gao*, Zhenming Yang* (2024) SbXTH7, acting downstream of transcription factor SbHY5, regulates aluminum tolerance by modulating cell wall hemicellulose content and aluminum accumulation in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)]. Industrial Crops & Products, 214: 118485.

  2. Meiqi Zhan#, Jie Gao#, Jiangfeng You, Kexing Guan, Meihui Zheng, Xiangxiang Meng, He Li*, Zhenming Yang* (2023) The transcription factor SbHY5 mediates light to promote aluminum tolerance by activating SbMATE and SbSTOP1s expression. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 205: 108197.

  3. Kexing Guan, Zhenming Yang, Meiqi Zhan, Meihui Zheng, Jiangfeng You, Xiangxiang Meng, He Li*, Jie Gao* (2023) Two sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) WRKY transcription factors promote aluminum tolerance via the reduction in callose deposition. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (12): 10288.

  4. Sheng Huang, Jie Gao, Jiangfeng You, Yanan Liang, Kexing Guan, Siqi Yan, Meiqi Zhan and Zhenming Yang *(2018) Identification of STOP1-like proteins associated with aluminum tolerance in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:258.

  5. Ryan PR, Dong DF, Teuber F, Wendler N, Muhling KH, Liu J, Xu MY, Moreno NS, You JF, Maurer HP, Horst WJ, Delhaize. (2018). Assessing how the aluminum resistance traits in wheat and rye transfer to hexaploid and octoploid triticale. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1334

  6. Ma YL, Li CD, Ryan PR, Shabala S, You JF, Liu J, Liu CJ, Zhou MX. (2016). A new allele for aluminium tolerance gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) BMC Genomics, 17:186

    7. H Zhang, WL Shi, JF You, MD Bian, XM Qin, H Yu, Q Liu, PR Ryan, ZM Yang. (2015) Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing a β-1,3-glucanase from sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) show reduced callose deposition and increased tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Plant Cell and Environment. Doi: 10.1111/pce.12472.

    8. MY Xu, BD Gruber, E Delhaize, RG White, RA James, JF You, ZM Yang, PR Ryan*. (2014). The barley anion channel, HvALMT1, has multiple roles in guard cell physiology and grain metabolism. Physiologia Plantarum. 153: 183-193

    9. JL Yang (co-author), JF You (co-author), P Wu and SJ Zheng. (2007). Magnesium  enhances aluminum-induced citrate secretion in rice bean  root (Vigna umbellata) by restoring plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Plant Cell Physiol.481: 66-73

    10. JF You, YF He, JL Yang, SJ Zheng. (2005). A comparison of aluminum resistance among Polygonum species originating on strongly acidic and neutral soils. Plant and Soil. 276: 143-151

    11. 尤江峰,张蕾,杨建立,郑绍建. (2007). 萹蓄和饭豆在铝胁迫条件下有机酸分泌特性的比较. 植物营养与肥料学报. 13(3):485-490.

    12. 尤江峰, 郑绍建.(2006). 植物体中的阴离子通道, 植物营养与肥料学报.122):266-272.

    13.尤江峰,杨振明.(2005). 铝胁迫下植物根系的有机酸分泌及其解毒机理, 植物生理与分子生物学学报 312):111-118

著作: 参编 《铝在土壤-植物中的行为及植物的适应机制》,科学出版社,2008


