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日期:2024-09-25 点击数: 来源:

姓名 单晓辉

学历 博士

职称 教授



E-mail: shanxiaohui@jlu.edu.cn




2002.92007.7, 东北师范大学, 植物学, 博士

1998.92002.7, 东北师范大学, 生物技术, 学士



2016.12-2017.12, Rothamsted Research, Plant Science, 访问学者

2012.9-至今, 吉林大学, 植物科学学院, 副教授/教授

2007.7-2012.8, 吉林大学, 植物科学学院, 讲师







1. 作物抗逆分子生物学

2. 玉米及其他禾谷类作物基因工程与分子遗传学



1. 国家重点研发计划项目,2016YFD0101203-4,玉米杂种优势利用技术与强优势杂交种创制,2016/07-2020/1280万元,在研,参加

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370352,大麦2H染色体在小麦遗传背景中表达及互作模式研究,2014/01-2017/1280万元,已结题,参加

3. 国家转基因专项课题,2014ZX0800305B,抗冷转基因玉米新种质新组合培育,2014/01-2016/12280.72万元,已结题,参加

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31100192,玉米苗期低温胁迫下转录谱变化与DNA 甲基化修饰变化的综合研究,2012/01-2014/1226万元,已结题,主持

5. 国家转基因专项课题,2009ZX08003-024B,高淀粉转基因玉米新种质新组合培育, 2009/06-2011/06411万元,已结题,参加



(1) Wang X, Shan X, Xue C, Wu Y, Su S, Li S, Liu H, Jiang Y, Zhang Y, Yuan Y*: Isolation and functional characterization of a cold responsive phosphatidylinositol transfer-associated protein, ZmSEC14p, from maize (Zea may L.). Plant Cell Rep 2016, 35(8):1671-86.

(2) Wang X#, Shan X#, Wu Y, Su S, Li S, Liu H, Han J, Xue C, Yuan Y*: iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals new metabolic pathways responding to chilling stress in maize seedlings. J Proteomics 2016, 146:14-24.

(3) Li S, Dong H, Yang G, Wu Y, Su S, Shan X, Liu H, Han J, Liu J, Yuan Y*: Identification of microRNAs involved in chilling response of maize by high-throughput sequencing. Biologia Plantarum 2016, 60 (2): 251-260 .

(4) Wang S#, Su SZ#, Wu Y, Li SP, Shan XH, Liu HK, Wang S, Yuan YP*: Overexpression of maize chloride channel gene ZmCLC-d in Arabidopsis thaliana improved its stress resistance. Biol Plantarum, 2015, 59(1):55-64.

(5) Sun LF#, Liu TJ, Shan XH, Su SZ, Li SP, Yuan YP*, Zhang J: Analysis of DNA cytosine methylation patterns in maize hybrids and their parents. Biol Plantarum, 2015, 59(2):266-272.

(6) Shan XH#, Wang XY, Yang G, Wu Y, Su SZ, Li SP, Liu HK, Yuan YP*: Analysis of the DNA methylation of maize (Zea mays L.) in response to cold stress based on methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphisms. J Plant Biol, 2013, 56(1):32-38.

(7) Shan X#, Li Y*, Jiang Y, Jiang Z, Hao W, Yuan Y: Transcriptome Profile Analysis of Maize Seedlings in Response to High-salinity, Drought and Cold Stresses by Deep Sequencing. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 2013, 31(6):1485-1491.

(8) Shan X#, Li Y, Liu X, Wu Y, Zhang M, Guo W, Liu B, Yuan Y*: Comparative analyses of genetic/epigenetic diversities and structures in a wild barley species (Hordeum brevisubulatum) using MSAP, SSAP and AFLP. Genet Mol Res 2012, 11(3):2749-2759.

(9) Shan X#, Ou X#, Liu Z, Dong Y, Lin X, Li X, Liu B*: Transpositional activation of mPing in an asymmetric nuclear somatic cell hybrid of rice and Zizania latifolia was accompanied by massive element loss. Theor Appl Genet 2009, 119(7):1325-1333.




